
About Me

Welcome and thank you for stopping by our page. We are just getting started and we are so excited about the forecast. We read the scriptures and by the looks of things we are headed for the greatest outpouring of the Holy Ghost with signs following. I have preached and taught the word for over 3 decades. Before that I was tutored by men and women of God who had great respect and admiration to the word of God and holiness. We are launching a "One on One" mentoring site. We also will be adding teaching and or preaching on our media web. Make sure you stop by the Prayer Room. In order to win, he saints must return to fasting, consecration and fasting. Those who take advantage of the classes that are offered will leave the class with nothing less than a divine impartation of the Holy Ghost power. We have tasted of the world to come. My main objective is to edify the Body of Christ. My mission is kingdom-focused reaching the lost.
* Servant
* Teacher
* Preacher
* Soul Winner

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